Because gentle and profitable tourism can be developed in Isenau


Home > 4 season activities > Activities commission

The Activities Commission is made up of members who, while being sensitive to environmental issues, are of the opinion that gentle and profitable tourism can be developed in Isenau.


> To contribute to the development of activities on the Isenau site in full compliance with the principles of the Isenau 360 eco-responsible charter


Members of the committee

Nino Pittet

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Peter Wagen


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Stéphane Bise


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Stéphane Bise, born in Ouchy (Lausanne), lives in Lutry and is a secondary resident of Les Diablerets. He is a lover of the canton of Vaud and a fan of Isenau where he learned to ski with his family. With many years of entrepreneurial experience in the fields of HR and occupational benefits, a passion for new technologies and a solid legal background, Stéphane is ready to put all his skills and energy into the renewal of the Isenau estate!

Jean-Marc Ludi


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Soon !

Rolf Weber


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Caroline Perrot

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Sophie Pache

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Claudine tappy


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Let’s connect!

Don’t hesitate to contact us for any question or suggestion about the new Isenau.

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