Community principles
Because there are so many people who love Isenau, a community was born!Community principles
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The founding members who embarked on this adventure did so in accordance with the following community principles:
Any profit made from the operation of the domain is re-injected into the company (in operation, investment…)
- Any activity carried out on the site by the members or their representatives complies with the Isenau 360° Charter
- The development of the Diablerets-Isenau 360° Cooperative Society is carried out with respect for the other members, with a view to reinforcing the community spirit which drives this project
- The Isenau estate must be owned by people who live in the region and regularly visit it as a secondary resident
- The members are prepared to make their skills and experience available to the Cooperative free of charge, as far as they are able
- The economy can be compatible with eco-responsibility
AIMS OF the Diablerets-Isenau 360° Cooperative Society
The social goals of the cooperative are to :
- To develop the economic, ecological and social interests of the members who are economic actors in the Commune of Ormont-Dessus
- To develop a place to live for the members which reconciles the maintenance of the local economic fabric, nature and leisure activities, to allow the use of the premises and services for the activities of the members at advantageous conditions
- To encourage and implement the use of the members’ skills in the service of the common action, by setting up and operating infrastructures as well as all four-season activities in relation to the Isenau domain, by studying and promoting by all means a development respectful of the alpine environment as well as the conservation, the enhancement and the respect of the balance of the social, environmental, energetic, patrimonial and economic assets of the territory of Ormont-Dessus
The cooperative also has the particular operational goal of promoting innovative technologies for the benefit of its members, aiming at a reduction of ecological impacts on nature, an optimal use of energy and its storage, the improvement of travellers’ mobility, as well as the valorisation and consumption of local products; it can lead, participate and/or promote research and training programmes in collaboration with schools in the above-mentioned fields (for complete goal see statutes).
You can also consult the Zefix file of Diablerets-Isenau 360° Cooperative Society.
Let’s connect!
Don’t hesitate to contact us for any question or suggestion about the new Isenau.